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Written methods of addition and subtraction



Core curriculumm3cf6376c2a80b305_1528449076687_0Core curriculum

II. Operation on natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers. The student:

2) adds and subtracts the multi‑digit numbers using written methods and the calculator;

11) uses the rules of the order of operations.


45 minutes

General objectivem3cf6376c2a80b305_1528449523725_0General objective

Doing the simple operations of mental calculation or more difficult ones by using the written methods and using these abilities in practical situations.

Specific objectivesm3cf6376c2a80b305_1528449552113_0Specific objectives

1. Adding and subtracting the natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers by using the written methods.

2. Using the proper order of the operations.

3. Communicating in English; developing mathematical and basic scientific, technical and digital competences; developing learning skills.

Learning outcomesm3cf6376c2a80b305_1528450430307_0Learning outcomes

The student:

- adds and subtracts the natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers using the written methods;

- uses the proper order of the operations.


1. Learning game.

2. Situational analysis.

Forms of workm3cf6376c2a80b305_1528449514617_0Forms of work

1. Individual work.

2. Pair work.

Lesson stages


The teacher prepares for each pair of students:

1) The sheet of paper with sixteen squares of the same size drawn in two rows. There are ten squares in the first raw and six ones in the second raw. In the squares of the first row he writes step by step one of the following operations:

4506 + 324; 12000 – 5634; 1029 + 3 234 + 9720; 8935 – 2812; 9023 + 2123; 7834 + 9034; 6806 – 2453; 709 + 2345 + 876; 10053 – 7342; 7521 – 2900.

2) In the squares of the second row he writes step by step one of the following operations:

(6780 – 2344) + 1024; 11534 – 213 – 5439; 1238 + (6345 – 5999); 13409 – (6734 + 2046); 5467 – 3200 + 4003; 9745 – 5301– 807.

3) A set of sixteen cards. There is one of the following writings on them:

4621 A; 2711 K; 4353 W; 3930 S; 6366 K; 13983 Ł; 4830 S, 6123 O; 5882 C; 1584 U; 6270 I; 3637 E; 1 1146 D; 16868 O; 5460 -; 4629 R.

Revision of the addition and the subtraction of the natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers and the order of operations.


The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson: using the written methods of adding and subtracting the natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers.

The students work individually using their computers. They are going to analyse the slideshow concerning the order of the operations of the addition and the subtraction at the same time.



Which operations should be done first: addition or subtraction? What is the order of the operations in brackets? How can we add and subtract the natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers using the written method?

The students can come up with the following conclusions:

- We do the operations in brackets first.m3cf6376c2a80b305_1527752263647_0We do the operations in brackets first.

- We do the addition and the subtraction at the same time depending on the order of their appearance.m3cf6376c2a80b305_1527752256679_0We do the addition and the subtraction at the same time depending on the order of their appearance.

- To add and subtract the natural numbers using the written methods we should write units below units, tens below tens, hundreds below hundreds etc. We start addition or subtraction from the right side so from the row of units.m3cf6376c2a80b305_1527712094602_0To add and subtract the natural numbers using the written methods we should write units below units, tens below tens, hundreds below hundreds etc. We start addition or subtraction from the right side so from the row of units.

The learning game. The students work in pairs. Each pair gets a set of 16 cards with the various operations. The students take turns in drawing the operations they are going to do. Next, they look for the card with the correct result and place it in the appropriate square. The letters read from the left side make the key word – the name of Polish Nobel laureate. The winner is the person who first writes the key word.

The key word: Skłodowska‑Curie

After completing the task the students use their computers. They are going to answer the following questions: What name did Skłodowska‑Curie have? Who was she? When did she live? In which century? How many times did she get the Nobel prize?

The students can give the following answers:

- Maria Skłodowska‑Curie was the Polish scientist. She lived at the turn of the 19th and the 20th century. She has won the Nobel prize twice:the first one in the field of physics, the second one in the chemistry.

The students do the calculations on their own. They add and subtract the natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers and compare the results in pairs.

Task 1
Calculate using the written method.

a. 10562 – (7734 + 876)

b. 9108 + (3211 – 598)

c. 12400 – 6006 + 1288

Task 2
Write the task in the form of the arithmetic expression and calculate its value.

a. Increase the number 6789 by the differencedifferencedifference of the numbers 9004 and 4513.

b. Subtract the number 3025 from the differencedifferencedifference of numbers 20765 and 15678.

c. Add the sumsumsum of the numbers 8796 and 4035 to their differencedifferencedifference.

An extra task: 
Fill the places of * with the appropriate digits.

[Illustration 1]

Lesson summarym3cf6376c2a80b305_1528450119332_0Lesson summary

The students do the summarising tasks.

Then they sumsumsum up the class drawing the conclusions to memorise:

- We do the operations in brackets first.

- We do the addition and the subtraction at the same time depending on the order of their appearance.

- To add and subtract the natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers using the written methods we should write unitsunitsunits below units, tenstenstens below tenstenstens, hundredshundredshundreds below hundredshundredshundreds etc. We start addition or subtraction from the right side so from the row of ones.

Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan



natural numbersnatural numbersnatural numbers

Nobel prize winnerNobel prize winnerNobel prize winner





written additionwritten additionwritten addition

written subtractionwritten subtractionwritten subtraction

natural numbers1
natural numbers

liczby naturalne - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …

wymowa w języku angielskim: natural numbers

różnica – wynik odejmowania

wymowa w języku angielskim: difference

suma - wynik dodawania

wymowa w języku angielskim: sum


wymowa w języku angielskim: units

cyfry dziesiątek

wymowa w języku angielskim: tens

części setne

wymowa w języku angielskim: hundreds
Nobel prize winner1
Nobel prize winner


wymowa w języku angielskim: Nobel prize winner


wymowa w języku angielskim: thousands
written addition1
written addition

dodawanie pisemne

wymowa w języku angielskim: written addition
written subtraction1
written subtraction

odejmowanie pisemne

wymowa w języku angielskim: written subtraction