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Źródło: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Development of a green area

1. Film in the standard version.

The film presents the arrangements concerned with the development of a roundabout and the nearby green area. A gardener informs an office worker about the necessity of grading a fragment of the green area, cutting trees, planting bushes. Film przedstawia ustalania związane z zagospodarowaniem ronda i okolicznych terenów zieleni. Ogrodniczka informuje pracownika Urzędu Miasta o konieczności splantowania fragmentu ternu zielonego, przycięcia drzew, dosadzenia krzewów.

2. Film with subtitles.

The film presents the arrangements concerned with the development of a roundabout and the nearby green area. A gardener informs an office worker about the necessity of grading a fragment of the green area, cutting trees, planting bushes. Film przedstawia ustalania związane z zagospodarowaniem ronda i okolicznych terenów zieleni. Ogrodniczka informuje pracownika Urzędu Miasta o konieczności splantowania fragmentu ternu zielonego, przycięcia drzew, dosadzenia krzewów.

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

The film presents the arrangements concerned with the development of a roundabout and the nearby green area. A gardener informs an office worker about the necessity of grading a fragment of the green area, cutting trees, planting bushes. Film przedstawia ustalania związane z zagospodarowaniem ronda i okolicznych terenów zieleni. Ogrodniczka informuje pracownika Urzędu Miasta o konieczności splantowania fragmentu ternu zielonego, przycięcia drzew, dosadzenia krzewów.

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

The film presents the arrangements concerned with the development of a roundabout and the nearby green area. A gardener informs an office worker about the necessity of grading a fragment of the green area, cutting trees, planting bushes. Film przedstawia ustalania związane z zagospodarowaniem ronda i okolicznych terenów zieleni. Ogrodniczka informuje pracownika Urzędu Miasta o konieczności splantowania fragmentu ternu zielonego, przycięcia drzew, dosadzenia krzewów.
Exercise 1
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 2
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Garden planning

The animation presents the stages of planning works connected with establishing a garden. Animacja przedstawia etapy planowania prac związanych z zakładaniem ogrodu.
Exercise 3
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Ornamental plant production requirements

The animation presents the requirements of ornamental plants connected with their cultivation in the form of pictograms. Animacja pokazuje w formie piktogramów wymagania roślin ozdobnych związane z ich uprawą.
Exercise 4
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Sales of shrubs

The hypertext material is a conversation about forms of bushes and their propagation. It takes place in an ornamental shrub nursery.

Hipertekst jest rozmową w szkółce krzewów ozdobnych na temat form krzewów i ich rozmnażania.

Buyer: Good morning. My friends have recommended your nurserym7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279637332_0nursery. Apparently you have beautiful shrubs in your collection.

Nursery owner: Good morning. What are you looking for exactly?

Buyer: I’m in the process of renovating the area around the company and I wanted something easy to grow, but also nice and interesting.

Nursery owner: You came to the right place. My nursery specializes in conifersm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279718401_0conifers grafted on the trunk.m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279733582_0grafted on the trunk. We also have many different varieties of conifers, heathers, azaleas, rhododendrons.

Buyer: Can I take a look at the collection?

Nursery owner: I’ll gladly show you around. Maybe you'll like something.

Buyer: I’m interested in coniferous shrubsm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279738479_0coniferous shrubs and trees. They require the least amount of work. An additional advantage is that they don’t shed leavesm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279743621_0don’t shed leaves for the winter.

Nursery owner: The creeping formsm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279748379_0creeping forms are very popular. Please, look here. This is white pine with an attractive spherical formm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279753543_0spherical form grafted on the trunk. In addition, it has small growths.m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279762480_0small growths.

Buyer: What does “grafted” mean?

Nursery owner: It’s a vegetative way of breeding trees and shrubs. It’s most easily reproduced by bud‑grafting,m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279767416_0bud‑grafting, in other words the transplantation of the scionm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279772536_0scion - bud,m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279777622_0bud, the so‑called dormant budm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279782995_0dormant bud of a noble varietym7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279787842_0noble variety onto the rootstock shoot.m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279793098_0rootstock shoot.

Buyer: Is it possible to get such beautiful forms on the trunks of other plants?

Nursery owner: Yes, many bushes can be grafted. Roses are noteworthy, but they will be too demanding in cultivation for you.

Buyer: You have convinced me to these conifers. I would like to place an order for the „Greg” white pine variety in the amount of 5 pieces. In addition, 3 thujas grafted on the trunk, but I want the weeping formsm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497279799633_0weeping forms, and 3 Korean firs, also on the trunk.

Nursery owner: We sell all these plants in pots. There’s no problem with the transport and planting dates. Do you want anything else?

Buyer: I also want 10 heathers. 5 pink and 5 white ones.

Nursery owner: Would you like a receipt, or an invoice?

Buyer: An invoice with payment due after delivery.

Nursery owner: I’ll pack the plants today and they will be delivered tomorrow morning.

Buyer: Thank you.

Nursery owner: Thank you as well and please come again soon.

Exercise 5
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Planting trees and shrubs

The hypertext material is a conversation between a practice manager and her interns. They discuss the subject of trees and the time of their planting.

Hipertekst jest rozmową kierowniczki praktyk z praktykantami na temat drzewek i terminu ich sadzenia.

Practice manager: Hello. This week we will be planting decorative trees.

Interns: Are we getting to work immediately?

Practice manager: First, I’ll tell you a few words of introduction. I’ll start with the fact that we buy decorative trees and shrubs in the following forms: pottedm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292341857_0potted, with an uncovered root systemm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292338305_0uncovered root system and with the root mass covered with a netm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292330786_0root mass covered with a net, or a jute bagm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292326285_0jute bag.

Interns: Do we plant all of them the same way?

Practice manager: No. We plant trees with an uncovered system as young and small as possible, preferably 2 to 3 year‑old ones, so they will take root the quickest. We plant a bit larger and older specimens with the root mass. There’s no problem in them taking rootm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292312053_0taking root, but you can damage the root systemm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292307534_0root system. And as for potted trees, both old and large specimens can be planted.

Interns: And that’s the only difference? What trees will we plant today?

Practice manager: There’s one more principle when planting. The time of planting depends on the type of the root system. This means that we plant trees with an uncovered system outside the growing seasonm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292302003_0growing season. Do you know when that will be?

Interns: Interns: In winter? There’s no vegetation then.

Practice manager: Well, you're right. There’s no vegetation in winter, but there’s a risk of frosts, and frozen soilm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292294450_0frozen soil. It’s best to plant such plants in early spring: March – April, or late autumn: October - November.

Interns: And what plants will we plant?

Practice manager: Trees with root mass are best planted in autumn. And we have potted plants that we can plant at any time, as soon as the weather conditionsm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292283746_0weather conditions allow.

Interns: We have already prepared the substrate,m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292278430_0substrate, designated the planting spots and tools. We can start immediately.

Practice manager: Remember that the plant pots must be wateredm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292272551_0watered well.

Interns: How deep should we dig?

Practice manager: The appropriate depth is such that the roots fit freely in the hole. They can’t curl upm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497292265719_0curl up. Remember to pour a handful of manure into the hole.

Interns: We remember. Fertilizer under every tree. See you during the break.

Exercise 6
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Working in an ornamental plant greenhouse

The hypertext material is a job interview for work on an ornamental plant farm. The work will include cultivating and harvesting roses for cut flowers.

Hipertekst jest rozmową w sprawie pracy w gospodarstwie roślin ozdobnych. Praca ma odbywać się przy uprawie i zbiorze róż na kwiat cięty.

Candidate: Good morning, I came here regarding the job advertisement.

Owner: Good morning. Have you ever worked on a gardening farm?m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302764422_0gardening farm?

Candidate: You could say that. I worked with my parents on a farm.

Owner: And did you take care of ornamental plants?

Candidate: I used to help with the cultivation of chrysanthemums.

Owner: On our farm, we grow a bit of roses for m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302754287_0m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302754287_0cut flowersm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302754287_0cut flowers and plants for dry bouquets:m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302748645_0dry bouquets: golden everlastings, ground cherry, alpine sea holly.

Candidate: Why only a bit of roses?

Owner: We grow less and less roses because their cultivation involves high energy costs.m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302736917_0energy costs. In winter, you need to provide more lightm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302733680_0provide more light and heat the plants. That’s why we choose traditional cultivation for roses, that is cultivation with winter restm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302728712_0cultivation with winter rest, without bending the shootsm7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302614191_0without bending the shoots, so as not to incur costs.

Candidate: Could you tell me more about cultivating roses with winter restm7e27a18bac5745ba_1533298908681_0winter rest?

Owner: The last flowers are cut until the end of November. After that I put the plants to rest, which means lowering the temperature.m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302609415_0lowering the temperature. At the end of January, the bushes are cut and fertilized, and I get the first yields already in April.

Candidate: And what would my work be?

Owner: I need people for the harvest period, three times a year.

Candidate: How do you organize the harvest?

Owner: The flowers are collected in the early morning,m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302603612_0collected in the early morning, so you must be prepared for getting up early.

Candidate: That isn’t a problem. How are the flowers collected?

Owner: On strong shoots, we cut above the second well‑developed leaf.m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302598187_0well‑developed leaf. Counting from the root of the shoot.m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302589553_0root of the shoot. We cut those flowers, which have slightly open petals.m7e27a18bac5745ba_1497302944027_0open petals.

Candidate: And will this be my job?

Owner: Yes. In addition, the roses for sales should be sorted and packed into bunches. When they are prepared this way, I sell them personally on the flower market.

Candidate: I’m interested in this job.

Owner: Please, leave me your contact details. I will speak to you the day after tomorrow.

Candidate: Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Owner: Good bye.

Exercise 7
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.



Part of speech

Play the game. Zagraj w grę.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.


area selection [ˈeə.riə sɪ.ˈlek.ʃən] [phrase]
area selection [ˈeə.riə sɪ.ˈlek.ʃən] [phrase]

wybór terenu

arrangement [ə.ˈreɪndʒ.mənt] [noun, countable]
arrangement [ə.ˈreɪndʒ.mənt] [noun, countable]


automatic irrigation [ˌɔː.tə.ˈmæ.tɪk ˌɪ.rɪ.ˈɡeɪʃ.ən] [noun, uncountable]
automatic irrigation [ˌɔː.tə.ˈmæ.tɪk ˌɪ.rɪ.ˈɡeɪʃ.ən] [noun, uncountable]

nawodnienie automatyczna

bedding display [ˈbed.ɪŋ dɪ.ˈspleɪ] [noun, countable]
bedding display [ˈbed.ɪŋ dɪ.ˈspleɪ] [noun, countable]

rabat kwiatowy

bud [bʌd] [noun, countable]
bud [bʌd] [noun, countable]


bud grafting [bʌd ˈɡrɑːft.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
bud grafting [bʌd ˈɡrɑːft.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


composter [ˈkɒmpɒstə] [noun, countable]
composter [ˈkɒmpɒstə] [noun, countable]


conifer [ˈkɒ.nɪ.fə] [noun, countable]
conifer [ˈkɒ.nɪ.fə] [noun, countable]


coniferous shrub [kə.ˈnɪ.fə.rəs ʃrʌb] [noun, countable]
coniferous shrub [kə.ˈnɪ.fə.rəs ʃrʌb] [noun, countable]

krzew iglasty

cost estimate [kɒst ˈestɪmət] [noun, countable]
cost estimate [kɒst ˈestɪmət] [noun, countable]


collecting in the early morning [kə.ˈlekt.ɪŋ ɪn ði ˈɜː.li ˈmɔːn.ɪŋ] [phrase]
collecting in the early morning [kə.ˈlekt.ɪŋ ɪn ði ˈɜː.li ˈmɔːn.ɪŋ] [phrase]

zbieranie wczesnym rankiem

creeping form [ˈkriːp.ɪŋ ˈfɔːm] [noun, countable]
creeping form [ˈkriːp.ɪŋ ˈfɔːm] [noun, countable]

pienna forma

cultivation with winter rest [ˌkʌl.tɪ.ˈveɪʃ.ən wɪð ˈwɪn.tə rest] [phrase]
cultivation with winter rest [ˌkʌl.tɪ.ˈveɪʃ.ən wɪð ˈwɪn.tə rest] [phrase]

uprawa ze spoczynkiem zimowym

curl up [kɜːl ʌp] [verb]
curl up [kɜːl ʌp] [verb]

podwijać się

cutting place [ˈkʌt.ɪŋ ˈpleɪs] [noun, countable]
cutting place [ˈkʌt.ɪŋ ˈpleɪs] [noun, countable]

miejsce cięcia

debris [ˈdeɪ.briː] [noun, uncountable]
debris [ˈdeɪ.briː] [noun, uncountable]


delineate [dɪ.ˈlɪ.nɪeɪt] [verb]
delineate [dɪ.ˈlɪ.nɪeɪt] [verb]


do not shed leaves [də nɒt ʃed liːvz] [phrase]
do not shed leaves [də nɒt ʃed liːvz] [phrase]

nie zrzucają liści

dormant bud [ˈdɔː.mənt bʌd] [noun, countable]
dormant bud [ˈdɔː.mənt bʌd] [noun, countable]

pąk śpiący

dry bouquet [draɪ bʊˈk.eɪ] [noun, countable]
dry bouquet [draɪ bʊˈk.eɪ] [noun, countable]

suchy bukiet

easy to grow [ˈiː.zi tə ɡrəʊ] [phrase]
easy to grow [ˈiː.zi tə ɡrəʊ] [phrase]

łatwe w uprawie

energy cost [ˈe.nə.dʒi kɒst] [noun, uncountable]
energy cost [ˈe.nə.dʒi kɒst] [noun, uncountable]

koszt energii

fall out [fɔːl ˈaʊt] [noun, countable]
fall out [fɔːl ˈaʊt] [noun, countable]


flower bed [ˈflaʊə.bed] [noun, countable]
flower bed [ˈflaʊə.bed] [noun, countable]


flowerbeds peripheries [ˈflaʊə.bedz pə.ˈrɪ.fə.rɪz] [phrase]
flowerbeds peripheries [ˈflaʊə.bedz pə.ˈrɪ.fə.rɪz] [phrase]

obrzeża rabat

foliar fertilization [ˈfəʊ.lɪə ˌfɜː.tə.laɪ.ˈzeɪʃ.ən] [noun, uncountable]
foliar fertilization [ˈfəʊ.lɪə ˌfɜː.tə.laɪ.ˈzeɪʃ.ən] [noun, uncountable]

nawożenie dolistne

frozen soil [ˈfrəʊ.zən sɔɪl] [noun, uncountable]
frozen soil [ˈfrəʊ.zən sɔɪl] [noun, uncountable]

gleba zamarznięta

gardening farm [ˈɡɑːd.ən.ɪŋ fɑːm] [noun, countable]
gardening farm [ˈɡɑːd.ən.ɪŋ fɑːm] [noun, countable]

gospodarstwo ogrodnicze

glass [ˈɡlɑːs] [noun, uncountable]
glass [ˈɡlɑːs] [noun, uncountable]


grafted on the trunk [ˈɡrɑːf.tɪd ɒn ðə trʌŋk] [phrase]
grafted on the trunk [ˈɡrɑːf.tɪd ɒn ðə trʌŋk] [phrase]

szczepione na pniu

grass roll [ɡrɑːs rəʊl] [noun, countable]
grass roll [ɡrɑːs rəʊl] [noun, countable]

trawnik z rolki

grill with a smokehouse [ ɡrɪl wɪð ə 'sməʊk.haʊs] [phrase]
grill with a smokehouse [ ɡrɪl wɪð ə 'sməʊk.haʊs] [phrase]

grill z wędzarnią

growing season [ˈɡrəʊɪŋ ˈsiːz.ən] [noun, uncountable]
growing season [ˈɡrəʊɪŋ ˈsiːz.ən] [noun, uncountable]

sezon wegetacyjny

hole [ həʊl] [noun, countable]
hole [ həʊl] [noun, countable]


home vegetable garden [həʊm ˈve.dʒɪ.təb.əl ˈɡɑːd.ən] [noun, countable]
home vegetable garden [həʊm ˈve.dʒɪ.təb.əl ˈɡɑːd.ən] [noun, countable]

warzywnik przydomowy

humus [ˈhjuː.məs] [noun, uncoutable]
humus [ˈhjuː.məs] [noun, uncoutable]


incision of the bark [ɪn.ˈsɪʒ.ən əv ðə bɑːk] [phrase]
incision of the bark [ɪn.ˈsɪʒ.ən əv ðə bɑːk] [phrase]

nacięcie kory

intensive watering [ɪn.ˈten.sɪv ˈwɔː.tər.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
intensive watering [ɪn.ˈten.sɪv ˈwɔː.tər.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]

intensywne podlewanie

jute bag [dʒuːt bæɡ] [noun, countable]
jute bag [dʒuːt bæɡ] [noun, countable]

worek jutowy

lawn [lɔːn] [noun, countable]
lawn [lɔːn] [noun, countable]


lowering the temperature [ˈləʊ.ər.ɪŋ ðə ˈtem.prə.tʃə] [phrase]
lowering the temperature [ˈləʊ.ər.ɪŋ ðə ˈtem.prə.tʃə] [phrase]

obniżenie temperatury

mound from rich soil on which the roots are placed [maʊnd frəm rɪtʃ sɔɪl ɒn wɪtʃ ðə ruːts ə ˈpleɪst] [phrase]
mound from rich soil on which the roots are placed [maʊnd frəm rɪtʃ sɔɪl ɒn wɪtʃ ðə ruːts ə ˈpleɪst] [phrase]

kopczyk z żyznej gleby na którym rozkłada się korzenie

noble variety [ˈnəʊb.əl və.ˈraɪə.ti] [noun, countable]
noble variety [ˈnəʊb.əl və.ˈraɪə.ti] [noun, countable]

odmiany szlachetne

nursery [ˈnɜː.sə.ri] [noun, countable]
nursery [ˈnɜː.sə.ri] [noun, countable]


open petals [ˈəʊ.pən ˈpet.əlz] [noun, plural]
open petals [ˈəʊ.pən ˈpet.əlz] [noun, plural]

rozchylone płatki

ornamental quality [ˌɔː.nə.ˈmen.təl ˈkwɒ.lɪ.ti] [noun, coutable]
ornamental quality [ˌɔː.nə.ˈmen.təl ˈkwɒ.lɪ.ti] [noun, coutable]

walory ozdobne

paved surface [ peɪvd ˈsɜː.fɪs] [noun, countable]
paved surface [ peɪvd ˈsɜː.fɪs] [noun, countable]

nawierzchnia utwardzona

place the plant in the hole [ˈpleɪs ðə plɑːnt ɪn ðə həʊl] [phrase]
place the plant in the hole [ˈpleɪs ðə plɑːnt ɪn ðə həʊl] [phrase]

umieścić roślinę w dole

plant protection product [plɑːnt prə.ˈtek.ʃən ˈprɒ.dʌkt] [noun, countable]
plant protection product [plɑːnt prə.ˈtek.ʃən ˈprɒ.dʌkt] [noun, countable]

środek ochrony roślin

plant spacing [plɑːnt ˈspeɪs.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
plant spacing [plɑːnt ˈspeɪs.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]

rozstawa roślin

planting [ˈplɑːnt.ɪŋ] [noun, countable]
planting [ˈplɑːnt.ɪŋ] [noun, countable]


plough [plaʊ] [verb]
plough [plaʊ] [verb]


potted [ˈpɒ.tɪd] [adjective]
potted [ˈpɒ.tɪd] [adjective]


preparation of the soil [ˌpre.pə.ˈreɪʃ.ən əv ðə sɔɪl] [phrase]
preparation of the soil [ˌpre.pə.ˈreɪʃ.ən əv ðə sɔɪl] [phrase]

przygotowanie gleby

production cycle [prə.ˈdʌk.ʃən ˈsaɪk.əl] [noun, countable]
production cycle [prə.ˈdʌk.ʃən ˈsaɪk.əl] [noun, countable]

cykl produkcji

providing more light [prə.ˈvaɪd.ɪŋ mɔː laɪt] [phrase]
providing more light [prə.ˈvaɪd.ɪŋ mɔː laɪt] [phrase]


residential building [ˌre.zɪ.ˈden.ʃəl ˈbɪld.ɪŋ] [noun, countable]
residential building [ˌre.zɪ.ˈden.ʃəl ˈbɪld.ɪŋ] [noun, countable]

budynek mieszkalny

root mass covered with a net [ruːt mæs ˈkʌ.vəd wɪð ə net] [phrase]
root mass covered with a net [ruːt mæs ˈkʌ.vəd wɪð ə net] [phrase]

bryła korzeniowa okryta siatką

root of the shoot [ruːt əv ðə ʃuːt] [phrase]
root of the shoot [ruːt əv ðə ʃuːt] [phrase]

nasada pędu

root system [ruːt ˈsɪ.stəm] [noun, countable]
root system [ruːt ˈsɪ.stəm] [noun, countable]

system korzeniowy

rootstock shoot ['ruːt.stɒk ʃuːt] [noun, countable]
rootstock shoot ['ruːt.stɒk ʃuːt] [noun, countable]

pęd podkładki

rootstock ['ruːt.stɒk] [noun, countable]
rootstock ['ruːt.stɒk] [noun, countable]


rubbish heap [ˈrʌ.bɪʃ hiːp] [noun, countable]
rubbish heap [ˈrʌ.bɪʃ hiːp] [noun, countable]


scarification [ˌskeə.rɪ.fɪˈk.eɪ.ʃən] [noun, uncountable]
scarification [ˌskeə.rɪ.fɪˈk.eɪ.ʃən] [noun, uncountable]


scion [ˈsaɪən] [noun, countable]
scion [ˈsaɪən] [noun, countable]


selection of species [sɪ.ˈlek.ʃən əv ˈspiː.ʃiːz] [phrase]
selection of species [sɪ.ˈlek.ʃən əv ˈspiː.ʃiːz] [phrase]

dobór gatunków

semi‑shaded habitat [ˈse.mi ˈʃeɪ.dɪd ˈhæ.bɪ.tæt] [noun, countable]
semi‑shaded habitat [ˈse.mi ˈʃeɪ.dɪd ˈhæ.bɪ.tæt] [noun, countable]

stanowisko pół‑cieniste

shaded habitat [ˈʃeɪ.dɪd ˈhæ.bɪ.tæt] [noun, countable*]*
shaded habitat [ˈʃeɪ.dɪd ˈhæ.bɪ.tæt] [noun, countable*]*

stanowisko cieniste

small growth [smɔːl ɡrəʊθ] [noun, countable]
small growth [smɔːl ɡrəʊθ] [noun, countable]

małe przyrosty

soil from the botton of the hole [sɔɪl frəm ðə ˈbɒ.təm əv ðə həʊl] [phrase]
soil from the botton of the hole [sɔɪl frəm ðə ˈbɒ.təm əv ðə həʊl] [phrase]

gleba z dna dołu

sowing place [ˈsəʊɪŋ ˈpleɪs] [noun, uncountable]
sowing place [ˈsəʊɪŋ ˈpleɪs] [noun, uncountable]

miejsce siewu

sowing time [ˈsəʊɪŋ ˈtaɪm] [noun, uncountable]
sowing time [ˈsəʊɪŋ ˈtaɪm] [noun, uncountable]

termin siewu

spherical form [ˈsfe.rɪk.əl ˈfɔːm] [noun, countable]
spherical form [ˈsfe.rɪk.əl ˈfɔːm] [noun, countable]

forma kulista

spread humus [spred ˈhjuː.məs] [phrase]
spread humus [spred ˈhjuː.məs] [phrase]

nawieźć humusem

stone [ stəʊn] [noun, countable]
stone [ stəʊn] [noun, countable]


subsoil [ˈsʌbsɔɪl] [noun, uncountable]
subsoil [ˈsʌbsɔɪl] [noun, uncountable]


substrate [ˈsʌb.streɪt] [noun, countable]
substrate [ˈsʌb.streɪt] [noun, countable]


sunlight exposure [ˈsʌn.laɪt ɪk.ˈspəʊ.ʒə] [noun, uncountable]
sunlight exposure [ˈsʌn.laɪt ɪk.ˈspəʊ.ʒə] [noun, uncountable]


sunny habitat [ˈsʌ.ni ˈhæ.bɪ.tæt] [noun, countable]
sunny habitat [ˈsʌ.ni ˈhæ.bɪ.tæt] [noun, countable]

stanowisko słoneczne

swath [swɔːθ] [noun, countable]
swath [swɔːθ] [noun, countable]


take roots [teɪk ruːts] [verb]
take roots [teɪk ruːts] [verb]

przyjąć się

terrace [ˈte.rəs] [noun, countable]
terrace [ˈte.rəs] [noun, countable]


topsoil [ˈtɒp.sɔɪl] [noun, uncountable]
topsoil [ˈtɒp.sɔɪl] [noun, uncountable]

wierzchnia warstwa gleby

trim the roots [trɪm ðə ruːts] [phrase]
trim the roots [trɪm ðə ruːts] [phrase]

przyciąć korzenie

type of soil [taɪp əv sɔɪl] [phrase]
type of soil [taɪp əv sɔɪl] [phrase]

rodzaj gleby

uncovered root system [ʌnˈk.ʌ.vəd ruːt ˈsɪ.stəm] [noun, countable]
uncovered root system [ʌnˈk.ʌ.vəd ruːt ˈsɪ.stəm] [noun, countable]

odkryty system korzeniowy

undersowing [ʌnd.əˈsəʊɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
undersowing [ʌnd.əˈsəʊɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


useful [ˈjuː.sfəl] [adjective]
useful [ˈjuː.sfəl] [adjective]


utilitarian element [ju:.ˌtɪ.lɪ.ˈteə.rɪən ˈel.ɪ.mənt] [noun, countable]
utilitarian element [ju:.ˌtɪ.lɪ.ˈteə.rɪən ˈel.ɪ.mənt] [noun, countable]

element użytkowy

watered [ˈwɔː.təd] [adjective]
watered [ˈwɔː.təd] [adjective]

zlane wodą

weather conditions [ˈwe.ðə kən.ˈdɪʃ.ənz] [noun, plural]
weather conditions [ˈwe.ðə kən.ˈdɪʃ.ənz] [noun, plural]

warunki pogodowe

weeping form [ˈwiːp.ɪŋ ˈfɔːm] [noun, countable]
weeping form [ˈwiːp.ɪŋ ˈfɔːm] [noun, countable]

formy płaczące

well developed leaf [wel dɪ.ˈve.ləpt liːf] [noun, countable]
well developed leaf [wel dɪ.ˈve.ləpt liːf] [noun, countable]

dobrze wykształcony liść

winter rest [ˈwɪn.tə rest] [noun, uncountable]
winter rest [ˈwɪn.tə rest] [noun, uncountable]

spoczynek zimowy

without bending the shoots [wɪð.ˈaʊtˈbend.ɪŋ ðə ʃuːts] [phrase]
without bending the shoots [wɪð.ˈaʊtˈbend.ɪŋ ðə ʃuːts] [phrase]

bez przyginania pędów

wood shed [wʊd ʃed] [noun, countable]
wood shed [wʊd ʃed] [noun, countable]

wiata na drewno