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Źródło: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Safe work - safe food

1. Film in the standard version.

The film presents a conversation between a health and safety instructor and a forewoman on a farm. The principles of vegetable production will be discussed, was well as health and safety rules, and food safety rules. Film przedstawia rozmowę instruktora BHP i brygadzisty w gospodarstwie rolnym. Będą omówione zasady produkcji warzyw z zachowaniem BHP i zasad bezpieczeństwa żywności.

2. Film with subtitles.

The film presents a conversation between a health and safety instructor and a forewoman on a farm. The principles of vegetable production will be discussed, was well as health and safety rules, and food safety rules. Film przedstawia rozmowę instruktora BHP i brygadzisty w gospodarstwie rolnym. Będą omówione zasady produkcji warzyw z zachowaniem BHP i zasad bezpieczeństwa żywności.

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

The film presents a conversation between a health and safety instructor and a forewoman on a farm. The principles of vegetable production will be discussed, was well as health and safety rules, and food safety rules. Film przedstawia rozmowę instruktora BHP i brygadzisty w gospodarstwie rolnym. Będą omówione zasady produkcji warzyw z zachowaniem BHP i zasad bezpieczeństwa żywności.

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

The film presents a conversation between a health and safety instructor and a forewoman on a farm. The principles of vegetable production will be discussed, was well as health and safety rules, and food safety rules. Film przedstawia rozmowę instruktora BHP i brygadzisty w gospodarstwie rolnym. Będą omówione zasady produkcji warzyw z zachowaniem BHP i zasad bezpieczeństwa żywności.
Exercise 1
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 2
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Forcing vegetables

The animation presents the rules of vegetable forcing, on the example of chicory. Animacja omawia zasady pędzenia warzyw na przykładzie cykorii.
Exercise 3
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Seedlings in greenhouses and tunnels

The animation presents the functioning of a small greenhouse for the production of seedlings on a garden farm. Animacja pokazuje funkcjonowanie małej szklarni do produkcji rozsady w gospodarstwie ogrodniczym.
Exercise 4
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

How to limit manual labour in vegetable cultivation

The hypertext is a conversation between an employee of a consulting company and a vegetable producer. The adviser advises on how to solve the problem of labor shortage on the market by introducing elements of cultivation that limit manual labor.

Hipertekst jest rozmową pracownika firmy doradczej z producentem warzyw. Doradca radzi jak rozwiązać problem braku siły roboczej na rynku poprzez wprowadzenie elementów uprawy ograniczających pracę ręczną.

Adviser: Good morning, how can I help you, Mister Wank?

Vegetable producer: I have problems with finding people to work. The workers from Ukraine have gone to work in Germany, and it’s difficult to find someone good here.

Adviser: You must introduce systems limiting human laborm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279637332_0human labor.

Vegetable producer: Yes, but I can’t replace people completely. Especially in organicm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279733582_0organic vegetable farming.m307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279718401_0vegetable farming.

Adviser: Not completely, but you can reduce the demand for the workforcem307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279738479_0workforce.

Vegetable producer: What do you propose?

Adviser: Take for example… the fight with weedsm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279743621_0fight with weeds. Systems that limit human laborm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279748379_0Systems that limit human labor to the necessary minimum can be used. For example all mechanical weeders, the application of covers, soil mulching, proper crop rotationm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279753543_0proper crop rotation. These are non‑chemical ways to regulate weed infestation, which, perhaps, will allow, if not to resign completely from the use of herbicidesm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279762480_0herbicides, to at least reduce their consumption.

Vegetable producer: But aren’t people needed for this too?

Adviser: Yes, you’re right. But not as many people as in the case of manual work. Let's talk about weeds some more. the introduction of plasticsm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279767416_0plastics not letting light throughm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279772536_0not letting light through into mulching is helpful in limiting weeds. It inhibits their development. Machines attached to a tractor are used for this. You need one employee, maybe two.

Vegetable producer: Mulchingm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279777622_0Mulching isn’t just protection against weeds?

Adviser: Of course not. It has many other advantages. It increases the temperature of the soil which accelerates yielding. It reduces evaporation, so it prevents water loss and maintains soil moisture.

Vegetable producer: And what about sowing, planting, harvest?

Adviser: You have to move on to the mechanical seedling planting system. The harvest can be partially mechanized, or it can be easier to work using mobile platformsm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497279782995_0mobile platforms for vegetable harvesting.

Vegetable producer: I have been interested in buying a vegetable planter for a long time. Thanks for the suggestions. I have to think about it all.

Adviser: Thank you to you too. I’m always happy to help.

Exercise 5
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Conventional and organic planting material

Students visit a seed company. One of the students asks how organic seeds differ from conventional seeds. The employee of the seed company explains the rules for the production of organic planting material.

Uczniowie zwiedzają firmę nasienną. Uczeń pyta czym się różnią nasiona ekologiczne od konwencjonalnych. Pracownik omawia zasady produkcji ekologicznej materiału nasiennego.

Student: Sir, what does “organic seeds” mean?

Seed company employee: It means that the seeds were produced in accordance with the applicable national regulationsm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292341857_0produced in accordance with the applicable national regulations and European Union regulations regarding organic farmingm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292338305_0organic farming under the supervision of the certification body.m307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292330786_0certification body.

Student: But what do these rules mean?

Seed company employee: Organic seeds are produced on the basis of natural methodsm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292326285_0natural methods of cultivation, without the use of chemical plant protection products, artificial fertilizers. Seeds aren’t genetically modifiedm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292312053_0genetically modified.

Student: But both organic seeds and genetically modified seeds are the seeds of the same plant?

Seed company employee: Do you know the rules of organic farming? Mother plants must also be grown ecologically, without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and, of course, without GMOs.

Student: Yes, without artificial fertilizers and herbicides. I know that. But is there anything else?

Seed company employee: Crop rotation with several‑year rotations is of key importance in the cultivation of plants. The basis for fertilization is humusm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292307534_0humus obtained in the process of composting manure and other organic materials of plant and animal origin.

Student: What about protection against pests and diseases?

Seed company employee: If despite the preventive measuresm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292302003_0preventive measures I mentioned earlier, there is an increase in diseases or pests, interventions are allowed, limited to physical and biological means. They are allowed by law.

Student: And how do you recognize organic seeds?

Seed company employee: The label of organic seeds must be labeled with the organic production logo. It must also contain information about the certification and the number of the certification body. Additionally, organic seeds are untreatedm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292294450_0untreated and uncoated.m307dda6c62f99bb0_1497292283746_0uncoated.

Exercise 6
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Offer inquiry

The hypertext material is a trading partner's offer inquiry. A bunch of early vegetables is being prepared for the wholesale market. Issues concerned with the delivery time and place, and the packing method are mentioned.

Hipertekst jest zapytaniem ofertowym kontrahenta. Przygotowywana jest partia nowalijek na rynek hurtowy. Poruszone są kwestie związane między innymi z terminem i miejscem dostawy, sposobu pakowania.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I turn to you with an offer inquirym307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302764422_0offer inquiry for the supply of seven‑year‑old m307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302754287_0m307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302754287_0bunches of shallotm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302754287_0bunches of shallot.

The details are as follows:

Delivery datem307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302748645_0Delivery date: every week from March 1 to May 30, 2019 (ten deliveries in total).

Delivery placem307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302736917_0Delivery place: Warsaw, Zakopiańska Street, Clinical Hospital. The number of bunches: 800 in each delivery, a total of 8.000 pieces.

Packing method: bunches of 50‑60g [+/- 10g on a bunch, however, no more than +/- 50g per bundle], bound with an elastic band by 10 units, packed in polyethylene boxesm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302733680_0polyethylene boxes of 50 bundlesm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302728712_0bundles in a box.

Quality requirements: shallot tipsm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302618223_0shallot tips trimmed evenly, length from the roots of the bulbsm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302614191_0roots of the bulbs to the tips (40‑50 cm), trimmed roots, bulbs without traces of the substrate. No visible diseases, moldm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302609415_0mold, mechanical damagesm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302603612_0mechanical damages, pests, a characteristic smellm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302598187_0characteristic smell.

The farm must have one of the recognized quality certificatesm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302589553_0quality certificates: Integrated Production or Organic Farming.

All employees must have valid carrier tests. Transport with a refrigerated truckm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302944027_0refrigerated truck adapted to food products at 7‑12 degrees Celsius.

The receiver reserves the right to inspectm307dda6c62f99bb0_1497302952671_0inspect the production process and sales preparations on the spot.

The price applies to the entire batch of goods and is not subject to cyclical fluctuations. The payment will be made in monthly installments as post‑paid fees.

The offers should be submitted within 7 days from the date of publication of the inquiry, i.e. until January 20, 2019 at office@info.com. The person providing explanations is Eva Sachs, tel. 22 000 000 00.

Yours faithfully,

Jan Keller.

Exercise 7
Solve the exercise. Rozwiąż ćwiczenie.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.




Play the game. Zagraj w grę.
Source: Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa / Eduexpert Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.


assembly of the system [ə.ˈsem.bli əv ðə ˈsɪ.stəm] [phrase]
assembly of the system [ə.ˈsem.bli əv ðə ˈsɪ.stəm] [phrase]

montaż systemu

blood‑red flesh [blʌd red fleʃ][noun, uncoutable]
blood‑red flesh [blʌd red fleʃ][noun, uncoutable]

krwistoczerwony miąższ

boat‑shaped leaf [bəʊt ʃeɪpt liːf][noun, countable]
boat‑shaped leaf [bəʊt ʃeɪpt liːf][noun, countable]

liść o łódeczkowatym kształcie

bunches of shallot [ˈbʌn.tʃɪz əv ʃə.ˈlɒt] [phrase]
bunches of shallot [ˈbʌn.tʃɪz əv ʃə.ˈlɒt] [phrase]

pęczki szczypioru

bundle [ˈbʌn.dəl][noun, countable]
bundle [ˈbʌn.dəl][noun, countable]


certification body [ˌsɜː.tɪ.fɪˈk.eɪʃ.ən ˈbɒ.di][noun, uncountable]
certification body [ˌsɜː.tɪ.fɪˈk.eɪʃ.ən ˈbɒ.di][noun, uncountable]

jednostka certyfikująca

certified production [ˈsɜː.tɪ.faɪd prə.ˈdʌk.ʃən][noun, uncountable]
certified production [ˈsɜː.tɪ.faɪd prə.ˈdʌk.ʃən][noun, uncountable]

produkcja certyfikowana

characteristic smell [ˌkæ.rək.tə.ˈrɪ.stɪk smel][noun, countable]
characteristic smell [ˌkæ.rək.tə.ˈrɪ.stɪk smel][noun, countable]

zapach swoisty

cold tunnel [kəʊld ˈtʌn.əl] [noun, countable]
cold tunnel [kəʊld ˈtʌn.əl] [noun, countable]

tunel zimny

commercial packaging [kə.ˈmɜːʃ.əl ˈpæk.ɪdʒ.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
commercial packaging [kə.ˈmɜːʃ.əl ˈpæk.ɪdʒ.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]

opakowanie handlowe

consumer [kən.ˈsjuː.mə][noun, countable]
consumer [kən.ˈsjuː.mə][noun, countable]


cooling [ˈkuːl.ɪŋ][noun, uncountable]
cooling [ˈkuːl.ɪŋ][noun, uncountable]


cultivation on foil [ˌkʌl.tɪ.ˈveɪʃ.ən ɒn fɔɪl] [phrase]
cultivation on foil [ˌkʌl.tɪ.ˈveɪʃ.ən ɒn fɔɪl] [phrase]

uprawa na folii

deadline for offer submissions [ˈded.laɪn fər ˈɒ.fə səb.ˈmɪʃ.ənz] [phrase]
deadline for offer submissions [ˈded.laɪn fər ˈɒ.fə səb.ˈmɪʃ.ənz] [phrase]

termin składania ofert

delivery [dɪ.ˈlɪ.və.ri] [noun, countable]
delivery [dɪ.ˈlɪ.və.ri] [noun, countable]


delivery place [dɪ.ˈlɪ.və.ri ˈpleɪs] [noun, uncountable]
delivery place [dɪ.ˈlɪ.və.ri ˈpleɪs] [noun, uncountable]

miejsce dostawy

delivery time [dɪ.ˈlɪ.və.ri ˈtaɪm] [noun, uncountable]
delivery time [dɪ.ˈlɪ.və.ri ˈtaɪm] [noun, uncountable]

termin dostawy

direct consumption [dɪ.ˈrekt kən.ˈsʌmp.ʃən] [noun, uncountable]
direct consumption [dɪ.ˈrekt kən.ˈsʌmp.ʃən] [noun, uncountable]

bezpośrednie spożycie

disposable rubber gloves [dɪ.ˈspəʊ.zəb.əl ˈrʌ.bə ɡlʌvz] [noun, plural]
disposable rubber gloves [dɪ.ˈspəʊ.zəb.əl ˈrʌ.bə ɡlʌvz] [noun, plural]

jednorazowe rękawiczki gumowe

early vegetables [ˈɜː.li ˈve.dʒɪ.təb.əlz] [noun, plural]
early vegetables [ˈɜː.li ˈve.dʒɪ.təb.əlz] [noun, plural]


erosion [ɪ.ˈrəʊʒ.ən] [noun, uncountable]
erosion [ɪ.ˈrəʊʒ.ən] [noun, uncountable]


estimated value [ˈe.stɪ.meɪ.tɪd ˈvæ.ljuː] [noun, uncountable]
estimated value [ˈe.stɪ.meɪ.tɪd ˈvæ.ljuː] [noun, uncountable]

wartość szacunkowa

fermenting manure [fə.ˈment.ɪŋ mə.ˈnjʊə] [noun, countable]
fermenting manure [fə.ˈment.ɪŋ mə.ˈnjʊə] [noun, countable]

fermentujący obornik

fight with weeds [faɪt wɪð wiːdz] [phrase]
fight with weeds [faɪt wɪð wiːdz] [phrase]

walka z chwastami

forcing [ˈfɔːs.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
forcing [ˈfɔːs.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


furrow [ˈfʌ.rəʊ] [noun, countable]
furrow [ˈfʌ.rəʊ] [noun, countable]


genetically modified [dʒɪ.ˈne.tɪk.əli ˈmɒ.dɪ.faɪd] [adjective]
genetically modified [dʒɪ.ˈne.tɪk.əli ˈmɒ.dɪ.faɪd] [adjective]

modyfikowane genetycznie

grafting [ˈɡrɑːft.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
grafting [ˈɡrɑːft.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


greening of the head [ˈɡriːn.ɪŋ əv ðə hed] [phrase]
greening of the head [ˈɡriːn.ɪŋ əv ðə hed] [phrase]

zielenienie główki

heated tunnel [ˈhiː.tɪd ˈtʌn.əl] [noun, countable]
heated tunnel [ˈhiː.tɪd ˈtʌn.əl] [noun, countable]

tunel ogrzewany

heating layer [ˈhiːt.ɪŋ ˈleɪə][noun, countable]
heating layer [ˈhiːt.ɪŋ ˈleɪə][noun, countable]

wartstwa grzejna

herbicide [ˈhɜː.bɪ.saɪd] [noun, countable]
herbicide [ˈhɜː.bɪ.saɪd] [noun, countable]


hotbed [ˈhɒt.bed][noun, countable]
hotbed [ˈhɒt.bed][noun, countable]


human labour [ˈhjuː.mən ˈleɪb.ə] [noun, uncountable]
human labour [ˈhjuː.mən ˈleɪb.ə] [noun, uncountable]

praca ludzka

humus [ˈhjuː.məs] [noun, uncountable]
humus [ˈhjuː.məs] [noun, uncountable]

humus, pruchnica

in the absence of light [ɪn ði ˈæb.səns əv laɪt] [phrase]
in the absence of light [ɪn ði ˈæb.səns əv laɪt] [phrase]

bez dostępu do światła

inspection [ɪn.ˈspek.ʃən] [noun, countable]
inspection [ɪn.ˈspek.ʃən] [noun, countable]


instruction [ɪn.ˈstrʌk.ʃən] [noun, countable]
instruction [ɪn.ˈstrʌk.ʃən] [noun, countable]


labelling of plants [ˈleɪ.bəl.ɪŋ əv plɑːnts] [phrase]
labelling of plants [ˈleɪ.bəl.ɪŋ əv plɑːnts] [phrase]

oznakowanie roślin

leaf head [liːf hed][noun, countable]
leaf head [liːf hed][noun, countable]

główka liściowa

loosen the inter‑rows [ˈluːs.ən ði ɪn.ˈtɜː raʊz] [phrase]
loosen the inter‑rows [ˈluːs.ən ði ɪn.ˈtɜː raʊz] [phrase]

spulchniać międzyrzędzia

mechanical damage [mɪˈk.æ.nɪk.əl ˈdæ.mɪ.dʒ] [noun, countable]
mechanical damage [mɪˈk.æ.nɪk.əl ˈdæ.mɪ.dʒ] [noun, countable]

uszkodzenie mechaniczne

mobile platform [ˈməʊ.baɪl ˈplæt.fɔːm] [noun, countable]
mobile platform [ˈməʊ.baɪl ˈplæt.fɔːm] [noun, countable]

mobilna platforma

mold [məʊld] [noun, uncountable]
mold [məʊld] [noun, uncountable]


mulching [ˈmʌltʃ.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
mulching [ˈmʌltʃ.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


natural method [ˈnæt.ʃrəl ˈme.θəd] [noun, countable]
natural method [ˈnæt.ʃrəl ˈme.θəd] [noun, countable]

naturalna metoda

net unit price [net ˈjuː.nɪt praɪs] [noun, uncountable]
net unit price [net ˈjuː.nɪt praɪs] [noun, uncountable]

cena jednostkowa netto

net value [net ˈvæ.ljuː] [noun, uncountable]
net value [net ˈvæ.ljuː] [noun, uncountable]

wartość netto

not letting light through [nɒt ˈlet.ɪŋ laɪt θruː] [phrase]
not letting light through [nɒt ˈlet.ɪŋ laɪt θruː] [phrase]

nieprzepuszczające światło

Occupational Safety and Hygiene [ˌɒ.kjʊ.ˈpeɪ.ʃnəl ˈseɪf.ti ənd ˈhaɪ.dʒiːn] [phrase]
Occupational Safety and Hygiene [ˌɒ.kjʊ.ˈpeɪ.ʃnəl ˈseɪf.ti ənd ˈhaɪ.dʒiːn] [phrase]

bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy

offer inquiry [ˈɒ.fər ɪn.ˈkwaɪə.ri] [noun, countable]
offer inquiry [ˈɒ.fər ɪn.ˈkwaɪə.ri] [noun, countable]

zapytanie ofertowe

opening of offers [ˈəʊ.pən.ɪŋ əv ˈɒ.fəz][phrase]
opening of offers [ˈəʊ.pən.ɪŋ əv ˈɒ.fəz][phrase]

otwarcie ofert

organic [ɔː.ˈɡæ.nɪk] [adjective]
organic [ɔː.ˈɡæ.nɪk] [adjective]


organic farming [ɔː.ˈɡæ.nɪk ˈfɑːm.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
organic farming [ɔː.ˈɡæ.nɪk ˈfɑːm.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]

rolnictwo ekologiczne

organic product [ɔː.ˈɡæ.nɪk ˈprɒ.dʌkt][noun, uncountable]
organic product [ɔː.ˈɡæ.nɪk ˈprɒ.dʌkt][noun, uncountable]

produkt ekologiczny

package [ˈpækɪdʒ] [noun, countable]
package [ˈpækɪdʒ] [noun, countable]


p**arasitic egg [ˌpæ.rə.ˈsɪ.tɪk eɡ] [noun, countable]
p**arasitic egg [ˌpæ.rə.ˈsɪ.tɪk eɡ] [noun, countable]

jajo pasożytów

physically healthy [ˈfɪ.zɪk.əli ˈhel.θi] [adjective]
physically healthy [ˈfɪ.zɪk.əli ˈhel.θi] [adjective]

zdrowy fizycznie

physiological needs [ˌfɪ.zɪə.ˈlɒ.dʒɪk.əl niːdz] [noun, plural]
physiological needs [ˌfɪ.zɪə.ˈlɒ.dʒɪk.əl niːdz] [noun, plural]

potrzeby fizjologiczne

pinching shoots [ˈpɪntʃ.ɪŋ ʃuːts][phrase]
pinching shoots [ˈpɪntʃ.ɪŋ ʃuːts][phrase]

uszczykiwanie pędów

planting out [ˈplɑːnt.ɪŋ ˈaʊt] [noun, uncountable]
planting out [ˈplɑːnt.ɪŋ ˈaʊt] [noun, uncountable]


plastic film [ˈplæ.stɪk fɪlm] [noun, uncountable]
plastic film [ˈplæ.stɪk fɪlm] [noun, uncountable]


plastic [ˈplæ.stɪk] [noun, countable]
plastic [ˈplæ.stɪk] [noun, countable]

tworzywo sztuczne

polyethylene box [ˌpɒ.li.ˈe.θə.liːn bɒks] [noun, countable]
polyethylene box [ˌpɒ.li.ˈe.θə.liːn bɒks] [noun, countable]

skrzynki polietylenowe

preventive measures [prɪ.ˈven.tɪv ˈme.ʒəz] [noun, plural]
preventive measures [prɪ.ˈven.tɪv ˈme.ʒəz] [noun, plural]

działania profilaktyczne

produced in accordance with the applicable national regulations [prə.ˈdjuːst ɪn əˈk.ɔːdns wɪð ði ə.ˈplɪk.əb.əl ˈnæ.ʃnəl ˌre.ɡjʊ.ˈleɪʃ.ənz] [phrase]
produced in accordance with the applicable national regulations [prə.ˈdjuːst ɪn əˈk.ɔːdns wɪð ði ə.ˈplɪk.əb.əl ˈnæ.ʃnəl ˌre.ɡjʊ.ˈleɪʃ.ənz] [phrase]

wyrodukowane zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami krajowymi

products for direct consumption [ˈprɒ.dʌkts fə dɪ.ˈrekt kən.ˈsʌmp.ʃən] [phrase]
products for direct consumption [ˈprɒ.dʌkts fə dɪ.ˈrekt kən.ˈsʌmp.ʃən] [phrase]

produkty do bezpośredniego spożycia

profitable Japanese market [ˈprɒ.fɪ.təb.əl ˌdʒæ.pə.ˈniːz ˈmɑːkɪt] [phrase]
profitable Japanese market [ˈprɒ.fɪ.təb.əl ˌdʒæ.pə.ˈniːz ˈmɑːkɪt] [phrase]

zyskowny rynek japoński

propagator [ˈprɒ.pə.ɡeɪ.tə][noun, countable]
propagator [ˈprɒ.pə.ɡeɪ.tə][noun, countable]


proper crop rotation [ˈprɒ.pə krɒp rəʊ.ˈteɪʃ.ən][phrase]
proper crop rotation [ˈprɒ.pə krɒp rəʊ.ˈteɪʃ.ən][phrase]

właściwy płodozmian

proper humidity [ˈprɒ.pə hjuː.ˈmɪ.dɪ.ti] [phrase]
proper humidity [ˈprɒ.pə hjuː.ˈmɪ.dɪ.ti] [phrase]

odpowiednia wilgotność

public procurement [ˈpʌ.blɪk prə.ˈkjʊə.mənt][noun, countable]
public procurement [ˈpʌ.blɪk prə.ˈkjʊə.mənt][noun, countable]

zamówienie publiczne

pulp [pʌlp] [noun, uncountable]
pulp [pʌlp] [noun, uncountable]


quality certificate [ˈkwɒ.lɪ.ti sə.ˈtɪ.fɪk.eɪt] [noun, countable]
quality certificate [ˈkwɒ.lɪ.ti sə.ˈtɪ.fɪk.eɪt] [noun, countable]

certyfikaty jakości

quantity [ˈkwɒn.tɪ.ti] [noun, countable]
quantity [ˈkwɒn.tɪ.ti] [noun, countable]


refrigerated truck [rɪ.ˈfrɪ.dʒə.reɪ.tɪd trʌk] [noun, countable]
refrigerated truck [rɪ.ˈfrɪ.dʒə.reɪ.tɪd trʌk] [noun, countable]


ridge [rɪdʒ] [noun, countable]
ridge [rɪdʒ] [noun, countable]


roots of the bulbs [ruːts əv ðə bʌlbz] [phrase]
roots of the bulbs [ruːts əv ðə bʌlbz] [phrase]

nasady cebulek

sanitary facility [ˈsæ.nɪ.tri fə.ˈsɪ.lɪ.ti] [noun, countable]
sanitary facility [ˈsæ.nɪ.tri fə.ˈsɪ.lɪ.ti] [noun, countable]


screening for diseases [ˈskriːn.ɪŋ fə dɪ.ˈziː.zɪz] [phrase]
screening for diseases [ˈskriːn.ɪŋ fə dɪ.ˈziː.zɪz] [phrase]

badania na nosicielstwo choroby

season [ˈsiːz.ən] [noun, countable]
season [ˈsiːz.ən] [noun, countable]


shallot tip [ʃə.ˈlɒt ˈtɪp][noun, countable]
shallot tip [ʃə.ˈlɒt ˈtɪp][noun, countable]

końcówki szczypioru

shed [ʃed] [noun, countable]
shed [ʃed] [noun, countable]


spherical form [ˈsfe.rɪk.əl ˈfɔːm] [noun, countable]
spherical form [ˈsfe.rɪk.əl ˈfɔːm] [noun, countable]

forma kulista

storage [ˈstɔː.rɪdʒ] [noun, uncountable]
storage [ˈstɔː.rɪdʒ] [noun, uncountable]


systems that limit human labour [ˈsɪ.stəmz ðət ˈlɪ.mɪt ˈhjuː.mən ˈleɪb.ə] [phrase]
systems that limit human labour [ˈsɪ.stəmz ðət ˈlɪ.mɪt ˈhjuː.mən ˈleɪb.ə] [phrase]

systemy ograniczające pracę ludzką

thinning [ˈθɪn.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
thinning [ˈθɪn.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


trimming roots [ˈtrɪm.ɪŋ ruːts] [noun, uncountable]
trimming roots [ˈtrɪm.ɪŋ ruːts] [noun, uncountable]

skracanie korzeni

uncoated [ənˈko.təd] [adjective]
uncoated [ənˈko.təd] [adjective]


unit of measurement [ˈjuː.nɪt əv ˈme.ʒə.mənt] [noun, countable]
unit of measurement [ˈjuː.nɪt əv ˈme.ʒə.mənt] [noun, countable]

jednostka miary

untreated [ʌn.ˈtriː.tɪd] [adjective]
untreated [ʌn.ˈtriː.tɪd] [adjective]


valuable vegetable [ˈvæ.ljʊəb.əl ˈve.dʒɪ.təb.əl] [noun, countable]
valuable vegetable [ˈvæ.ljʊəb.əl ˈve.dʒɪ.təb.əl] [noun, countable]

cenne warzywo

variety [və.ˈraɪə.ti] [noun, countable]
variety [və.ˈraɪə.ti] [noun, countable]


vegetable farming [ˈve.dʒɪ.təb.əl ˈfɑːm.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]
vegetable farming [ˈve.dʒɪ.təb.əl ˈfɑːm.ɪŋ] [noun, uncountable]


without forks [wɪð.ˈaʊt fɔːks] [phrase]
without forks [wɪð.ˈaʊt fɔːks] [phrase]

bez rozwidleń

work force [ˈwɜːk fɔːs] [noun, uncountable]
work force [ˈwɜːk fɔːs] [noun, uncountable]

siła robocza