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The Great Sejm and the adoption of the Constitution of 3 May

A sketch to the painting of the Constitution of 3 May
Source: Jan Matejko, domena publiczna.

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You will learn
  • to describe the circumstances of the Sejm and the adoption of the Constitution of 3 MayConstitution of 3 MayConstitution of 3 May .

  • to describe the reforms of the Great Sejm and the most important provisions of the Constitution of 3 May;

  • to characterise the key figures of these events.

Nagranie abstraktu

King Stanisław August Poniatowski sought to carry out reforms in Poland. He succeeded the most in the fields of education, culture and arts. It was also decided to increase the number of troops. However, the largest reforms were carried out during the session of the Sejm, which has gone down in history as the „Great Sejm”. Its term began in 1788. Stanisław Małachowski (Marshal of the Crown Courts of Justice) and Kazimierz Nestor Sapieha (Marshal of the Lithuanian Confederation) became the Marshals of the Sejm – the Sejm was a confederation, hence the need for two marshals. Taking into account the patriotic moods, the Sejm decided to increase the size of the army to 100,000. On May 3, 1791, the Great Sejm passed the constitutionconstitutionconstitution. Officially, it was called the „Government Act” and consisted of 11 articles, and the previously adopted laws on cities and regional councils constituted its integral part. The political system was to be based on the Montesquieu tripartite division of powers: legislative, executive and judiciary. Pursuant to the constitution, the Republic of Poland would become a constitutional monarchy. The liberum veto was abolished and hereditary succession was introduced.

Exercise 1
What efforts did the Poles make to reform their country? What was their objective? Learn more frome the illustration.
What efforts did the Poles make to reform their country? What was their objective? Learn more frome the illustration.
Obraz przedstawia obrady podczas uchwalania Konstytucji 3 Maja. Sala wypełniona po brzegi ludźmi. Na środku dokonuje się zaprzysiężenie. Na ilustracji widnieją dopiski. 1. Taking advantage of the favourable international situation, Poles attempted to reform the archaic structure of the state and free themselves from the guardianship of Russia. By the time shown in the painting, during the first parliamentary term, which started in 1788, a number of social and political reforms had been carried out.The Permanent Council was abolished. The Military Commission of the Commonwealth was established. The Sejm voted on increasing the number of troops from around 5,000 to 100,000 and on setting a tax for their maintenance, imposed on the income of the nobility and the clergy, as well as the city (from pelts and butchery). However, since the citizens submitted false tax declarations, the new tax did not bring the expected income. Eventually, the number of troops was reduced to 65,000.The first census in Poland was also carried out., 2. In the autumn of 1790, the two-year period of functioning of the Sejm expired. Since it was believed that the Sejm should carry on for the sake of continuity of reforms, they only added the newly elected deputies. This doubled the number of deputies.The Sejm passed the legislation on councils, limiting their rights and excluding the nobles who were not property owners from participating in them. It also abolished the law of the liberum veto. Finally, it also approved the law on cities. Townspeople from royal cities became subject to legal protection, they gained the right to own land estates and acquire nobility, occupy officers' posts, as well as posts in public administration. Twenty-four city representatives could participate in the Sejm, with the right to an advisory vote on urban matters. This act protected the common people through legislation and government administration.Once the resolutions were adopted, there was a break in the session to celebrate Easter. Most of the deputies left for their homes., 3. As many of the deputies, who worked for neighbouring countries, opposed the adoption of the constitution, the reformers used deception. The deliberations of the Sejm were to be resumed on May 5, 1791, but the reformers were discreetly notified of the necessity to come two days earlier. It was then, on May 3, that the Sejm adopted the Constitution. Its authors were King Stanisław August Poniatowski, Ignacy Potocki and Hugo Kołłątaj - they described it as "the last will and testament of the dying Homeland". The official name of the constitution was the "Government Act" and it consisted of 11 articles, and the previously adopted laws on cities and regional councils constituted its integral part.The liberum veto was abolished, the majority voting was introduced. The Sejm was to be permanent, i.e. deputies were elected for two years, during which they represented the nation and could not be restricted by instructions. This is when the bad dreams of Catherine II came true., 4. On May 3, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ceased to exist, and the Republic of Poland was established in its place. The free election was abolished, and replaced with the hereditary succession of the king. After the death of Stanisław August Poniatowski, the throne was to be taken over by the ruler of the Wettin dynasty.The constitution defined the social system that was going to be introduced in the country. In contrast to the USA and France, the Commonwealth was to remain a three-estate state. The basic postulate of enlightenment, that people are equal by birth, was not introduced.However, the Montesquieu tripartite division of powers was applied. The legislation was to be passed by the parliament consisting of two chambers: the deputies and the senate with the king at its head. The executive power consisted of the king and the so-called Guardians of the Laws with its commissions. The role of the king was strengthened. Judicial power remained estate-based, as it was separate for the individual estates of the realm. A future universal codification of the law was announced.
The adoption of the Constitution of 3 May
Source: Kazimierz Wojniakowski, domena publiczna.
Exercise 2
Wymyśl pytanie na kartkówkę związane z tematem abstraktu.
Source: Jan Matejko, domena publiczna.
Exercise 3
Zadaj swoje pytanie koledze. Czy był w stanie na nie odpowiedzieć?


crown landcrown landcrown land, constitution of 3 May, liberum veto


crown land
crown land
Nagranie słówka: crown land

królewszczyzny – dobra królewskie (majątki ziemskie, miasta) w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej

Nagranie słówka: codification

kodyfikacja – uporządkowanie licznych przepisów prawa w danej dziedzinie przez zastąpienie ich jednym nowym aktem prawnym, który staje się podstawowym źródłem prawa

Permanent Council
Permanent Council
Nagranie słówka: Permanent Council

Rada Nieustająca – powołana w 1775 roku najwyższa władza administracyjna Rzeczypospolitej; dokonał tego sejm rozbiorowy

“black procession”
“black procession”
Nagranie słówka: “black procession"

“czarna procesja” – nazwa wydarzenia z 2 grudnia 1789 roku, gdy przedstawiciele 141 miast królewskich w Rzeczypospolitej udali się do Warszawy, aby zamanifestować swoje poparcie dla obozu reform Sejmu Czteroletniego.

Nagranie słówka: plenipotentiary

plenipotent – przedstawiciel większego miasta, wysyłany na sejm w celu przedstawienia postulatów mieszczan

Nagranie słówka: constitution

konstytucje – dawna określenie na prawo stanowione przez sejm

liberum veto
liberum veto
Nagranie słówka: liberum veto

liberum veto – zasada ustrojowa Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów, dająca prawo każdemu z posłów biorących udział w obradach Sejmu do zerwania go i unieważnienia podjętych na nim uchwał.

Constitution of 3 May
Constitution of 3 May
Nagranie słówka: Constitution of 3 May

Konstytucja 3 Maja –- inaczej Ustawa Rządowa; była to pierwsza w Europie, a druga w świecie ustawa zasadnicza, uchwalona przez Sejm Czteroletni (1788‑1792)